Generally speaking life is easier to cope with if you divide things into a series of small and achievable tasks. That's achievable within the constraints of your abilities or available time. Doing lots of things and succeeding is good. This lunchtime my mission was to post a letter and get a key cut. Both jobs were done. I'm the king of lunchtime tasks. Bo!
Likewise, when it comes to the house, I enjoy the subdivision of the overall goal - make the house into somewhere people can live. My smaller tasks, like "put a coat of varnish on the front of the front door", are a lot more tangible and can be seen to progress from not done to completed within a reasonable timeframe.
That is all.
Likewise, when it comes to the house, I enjoy the subdivision of the overall goal - make the house into somewhere people can live. My smaller tasks, like "put a coat of varnish on the front of the front door", are a lot more tangible and can be seen to progress from not done to completed within a reasonable timeframe.
That is all.
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