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Friday, July 30

All Change

I read in a tweet recently that you know when the Edinburgh is quite close when you answer most questions with "Let's talk about that in September". I'm sorry. But I'm very much of that mind at the moment. It affects home and work equally. At work, I'm basically scheduling things in two categories - stuff that'll be done while I'm away, or stuff which needs sorting out when I get back.

At home, I had pretty much shelved the ideas of getting some sort of storage solution to manage space in our home, within which it's increasingly feeling like the walls are closing in. That's right. I've shelved the idea of shelving. However, you can't stop people having ideas. So at the weekend the suggestion to re-zone the spare room came up and before you could say "are we really going to rezone the room before I go off to Edinburgh, even though it's a good idea and I think it would even have benefits up front, including the immediate recording challenge I've set myself, and I don't think it will fix a lot of the space issues in, say, the kitchen, but it might actually help and make me feel less like fucking gulliver sometimes" the decision was made.

So, we decided we would get rid of the bed and use a sofa bed instead in there... and move the study stuff to where the bed was, creating a patch of open floor in the middle of the room, which we really don't have.

How do you get rid of a double bed? Well, it took two emails. The bed was picked up yesterday morning and is now already in use in someone else's home. It turns out that if you have a good social network then good stuff can happen.

Given that we were only discussing the idea on Sunday, and it's now Friday, I expect to have the room rebuilt in its new form by Sunday and we're going to IKEA tonight to find a suitable shelving unit to use as the new back wall of the room. This vertical storage should protect us from the "stuff being everywhere" problem that we presently face. In this pre-Edinburgh period, it feels like a distraction from show preparation, but it's also essential and will have immediate benefits. I'm not losing time, I'm gaining a recording studio, and kit storage area.

In Edinburgh preparation news, I've done the press that is most urgent for both shows. I've got some other work to do, in the form of a jingle for a podcast. I'm trying to focus on the CD for my show. I had a bit of a boot up the arse yesterday when a friend's quickly-produced CD was sent to me for listening. It was really rather good, which made me feel like I wanted my own CD to sound good.

Last night I decided to have another crack at the rather annoyingly "not working out of the box" sound device that I'd bought. I was up until extremely extremely late in the night. However, the output was about 17 tracks from my CD - well, rough cuts of them. The problem is that these rough cuts may have to be re-done... though it will become easier to do subsequent versions of them, since I'm now more proficient with the settings and software that I have to use to do the work.

I'm excited about the sound-recording opportunities that I'm sitting on, but there's really no time. I've got until Wednesday to produce a full CD and artwork (admittedly, the artwork is largely done) and get it sent for repro in time to take to Edinburgh.

These challenges are a lot of fun, but they're doing my head in. I was very very stressed last night, until I got going with the recording stuff, when I was immersed and happy as I felt like I was making progress. I got a bit sweary and also felt like there were a load of loose ends hanging around from jobs I've not gotten around to doing as I've been too absorbed in show prep.

Today I managed to return some clothes bought online, and get a new passport application sorted. This is a step forward. I'll re-listen to my CD in the car and work out what I need to do for each track tonight and tomorrow... I'm going to keep the finished tracks offline unless I release them via iTunes. I will be selling the CD online when it's made. I may also start work on the next one, once I have some time... which means, of course, September.

Mind you, maybe I should take the kit with me to Edinburgh and make a new song every day.

Yeah, right.

Quick prediction. Day 1 of the Edinburgh Fringe for me:
  1. 4.45pm - Great Big Comedy Picnic
  2. 6.30pm - Cloud Comedy @ White Horse
  3. 9.30pm - MCing a show in Espionage
  4. 11.15pm - Appearance at Counting House
  5. 11.30pm - Meadow Bar (round the corner)

Perfectly normal first day of the fringe... Maybe I'll relax a bit and go and see a nice show too.

Next week represents a rather frustrating period - they start the Fringe... without me! I'm going to get antsy... I'll manage, though.


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